Vista panorámica
Medina del Campo. Villa histórica, monumental, escultórica y paisajística
Villa de las Ferias



The Vallisoletano municipality is a must for lovers of history and wine. To enjoy its essence, you just have to walk its streets in search of its main monuments.

The castle of La Mota is the first artilleryman in Europe, and has been used as a prison for illustrious figures such as Hernando Pizarro and Cesar Borgia
The castle of La Mota is the first artilleryman in Europe, and has been used as a prison for illustrious figures such as Hernando Pizarro and Cesar Borgia

Castillo de la Mota: Spectacular defensive fortress built by King Juan II and King Henry IV of Castile in the mid-15th century, with the Catholic Monarchs in charge of completing the work in 1483. The first European artillery castle, has been used to keep the documents of the crown and prison for such illustrious prisoners as Hernando Pizarro and Cesar Borgia.

Royal Probate Palace of Isabel La Católica where she died and she testified that there is an exact copy of her Will
Royal Probate Palace of Isabel La Católica where she died and she testified that there is an exact copy of her Will

Royal Probate Palace: Queen Isabella died on October 26, 1504, among her Moors. It currently houses the Interpretation Center of Isabel I de Castilla and in it you can visit the bedroom where he died and admire an exact copy of his will. It has an interactive room with the details of the trip from Columbus to America, because it was in this place where the prayer organized the expedition.

Tower and Collegiate Church of San Antolín with the balcony of the Virgen del Pópulo in its main facade
Tower and Collegiate Church of San Antolín with the balcony of the Virgen del Pópulo in its main facade

Tower and Collegiate Church of San Antolín: They are presiding over the Plaza Mayor de Medina, from its construction in the s. XII the temple has undergone successive reforms, leaving each of them its mark -although the Gothic style predominates-. The open chapel and Our Lady of the Conception is the only antecedent of this type of architecture in religious constructions (so popular n Latin America)

Museum Foundation of the Fairs. It contains an extraordinary collection of historical, artistic, anthropological, documentary, bibliographical and cultural backgrounds, related to the background of the world of fairs, commerce, markets and the birth of modern banking
Museum Foundation of the Fairs. It contains an extraordinary collection of historical, artistic, anthropological, documentary, bibliographical and cultural backgrounds, related to the background of the world of fairs, commerce, markets and the birth of modern banking

Foundation Museum of the Fairs: It was inaugurated in the year 2000 to reflect the commercial importance of Medina in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - in fact it is known as "Villa de las Ferias" -. It contains an extraordinary collection of historical, artistic, anthropological, documentary, bibliographical and cultural backgrounds, related to the history of the world of fairs, commerce, markets and the birth of modern banking.

San Vicente Ferrer Center and "Huellas de Pasión" tourist route
San Vicente Ferrer Center and "Huellas de Pasión" tourist route

San Vicente Ferrer Center and "Huellas de Pasión" tourist route: A space where Holy Week and its processions, rites and customs are promoted. It also has the only Cofrade store in Castilla y León. From here the Path Traces of Passion leaves, allowing visitors to discover the magnificent museum of Renaissance art scattered around different centers of the town.

IV Enotourism Fair: from the 21 to the 23 of April the IV Wine Tourism Fair Rue de Rueot is celebrated in the town of Medina. Three days in which the associated wineries will present their elaborations to the attending public, and in which different activities related to the world of wine, gastronomy and tourism will be carried out. An event in short, to promote one of the most important wine routes of Castilla y León.

This month the village of the fairs will be present on all high-speed trips, the prestigious magazine CLUB + RENFE has dedicated this complete article to our villa, it is one of the measures implemented within the Tourism Marketing Communication and Strategy Plan than the City Council of Medina del Campo.